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The 1000th post

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1,000 posts. A milestone to be noted.

Who woulda guessed I had it in me. It’s still fun and I find that the blog really has it’s own voice now. It mainly speaks to “computer and design nerds who ride planks standing sideways” and hopefully to others who can stomach 100+ photos of empty ocean and waves. Haha.

A friend joked that I should have a party to meet the readers; from what I can tell that would involve a ton of plane tickets going out to Mexico, California, East coast, West coast, Europe and some strange far flung destinations. Not to mention the rowdy drunk MTL’ers that would show up.

Right now the site is averaging 130-180 visitors a day through the front door; and another 70-100 or so reading on RSS. It’s remained fairly consistent; with spikes when I post lots during the week (+100%) and lows when I don’t (-25%). WordPress 2.x has been rock solid for me; without a glitch to mention.

2008/2009 will see some slight improvements; a tweak to the color scheme and the fonts, a trimming of links and unnecessary archives, some addition of last.fm info (not sure quite how yet), and some improved categorization. Exciting ? Not really.

It’s fun to look back into the archives – a simple way is to click this link which takes you to one of the thousand previous posts;

No sense getting all mushy so I’ll leave it at that – now to start planning the 10,000th post.


10 responses to “The 1000th post”

  1. gw Avatar

    Sweet. Congrats!

  2. Anile Avatar

    Congrats on your milestone! If you ever have a readers party, I’ll try hard to live up to the rowdy drunkiness.

  3. nan-c Avatar

    me three! er two! er.. burp!

  4. Johan Avatar


  5. Jake Avatar

    1,000 posts, soon you will be unable to start the day without pushing that “Publish” button. Be careful, you don’t want to end up the Dale Webster of the “computer and design nerds who ride planks standing sideways” demographic.

  6. Allen Avatar

    I’m really looking forward to the improved categorization! :-P

    Seriously congrats Stevey, that’s amazing!

  7. Steve Avatar


    Just did the math… first post was 20/04/2005 – 1199 days ago – 1 posts every 1.2 days average. Very Dale if you ask me !!!

  8. j Avatar

    “rowdy drunk montrealers”. Al is that slander?

  9. Dan B. Avatar
    Dan B.

    Excellent work bro! My question is if you happen to have stats on how many of those posts had to do with surfing!? lol..

  10. Steve Avatar

    I almost do —— almost 1/3 of them are skate/surf/snow!! 316 out of 1000.