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Some links for October 22nd through October 31st…


3 responses to “Bookmarks for October 22nd through October 31st”

  1. Ed Fladung Avatar

    big up on that Rocksteady link. amazing, I had no idea, can’t wait to see it. I’m surprised that no one has done something like this already. I hope they got Alton Ellis before he passed, he was top 5 rocksteady. If you don’t already have it, pick up the Rough Guide to Reggae, it’s a reference book and it’s been in my various bathrooms for the past 10 years, *no joke*. I never grow bored of it. It’s worth it for the rocksteady chapters alone.

  2. Steve Avatar

    The music producer for that movie is my buddy Moss Raxlen – I grew up with him skateboarding. He knows his jamaican music – like no one else I know !! Sure this will rock.

    Want that book – i’ll look for it !

  3. Rick Avatar

    Mark Bittman is great – I watch his podcast all the time!
    Great easy recipies! Great pile o’ links!