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Stevie’s Little Wonder

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“It’s amazing that the Nano even made it to the stage. The story of the Nano started nine months ago, when Jobs and his team took a look at the iPod Mini and decided they could make it better. On the face of it, that wouldn’t appear to be a fantastically smart decision. The iPod Mini was and still is the best-selling MP3 player in the world, and Apple had introduced it only 11 months earlier. Jobs was proposing to fix something that decidedly was not broken. “Not very many companies are bold enough to shoot their best-selling product at the peak of its popularity,” Gartner analyst Van Baker says. “That’s what Apple just did.” And it did that while staring right down the barrels of the holiday retail season.”

TIME Magazine — Stevie’s Little Wonder


One response to “Stevie’s Little Wonder”

  1. Steve Avatar

    Yea.. just a good little write up.