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Hidden recent items stack in 10.5

Something that Apple doesn’t turn on by default in Leopard (10.5) – You can add a Recent Applications/Docs/Volumes stack to the Dock. Might be useful for some when you’re jumping around a lot.

“You can add a Recent Applications stack to the Dock. To do so, open Terminal and type this command:

defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-others -array-add '{ "tile-data" = { "list-type" = 1; }; "tile-type" = "recents-tile"; }'

After that, type killall Dock to restart the Dock and see your new folder. The only thing is that I haven’t found a way to have it show as a fan, it only shows in tile view. But it is already a nice trick. ”

If you don’t like it — just drag it off of your dock and it’s gone.

3 responses to “Hidden recent items stack in 10.5”

  1. Ed Fladung Avatar

    wicked tip, homie!

  2. Steve Avatar

    Seems a bit buggy.. my “recent volumes” gets no icon . o well :)

  3. Tige Avatar

    Steve, no icons, but if you click it it shows all of the names.