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Zen & Zero
June 3 · 08
surf + skate + snow
thinking + zen
tivo + movies + music
Arrested Development Peanuts
May 30 · 08
design + art + typography
tivo + movies + music
Bookmarks for May 1st through May 30th
May 30 · 08
links + bookmarks
Great Rock and Roll story for Friday
May 30 · 08
tivo + movies + music
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
May 29 · 08
links + bookmarks
strangeness + randomness
Border DRM-anagers/Guards
May 28 · 08
links + bookmarks
montreal + canada + the world
tech + the internet
tivo + movies + music
Airport stoke to end my trip
May 28 · 08
montreal + canada + the world
surf + skate + snow
Jumpcut could save your butt
May 28 · 08
hacks + do it yourself
links + bookmarks
tech + the internet
Seriously, they are that good
May 25 · 08
family + friends
strangeness + randomness
surf + skate + snow
“Classic post-session cerveza” By Ed Fladung
May 25 · 08
family + friends
surf + skate + snow
thinking + zen
Linden Agave wooden surfboards
May 23 · 08
surf + skate + snow
Tubeguide.TV will kill your Friday Afternoon dead
May 23 · 08
design + art + typography
links + bookmarks
surf + skate + snow
tech + the internet
Because Vandals Like Tetris, Too
May 22 · 08
games + diversions
hacks + do it yourself
links + bookmarks
tech + the internet
Panorama from our Mexico Porch
May 22 · 08
family + friends
montreal + canada + the world
surf + skate + snow
Photos from Mexico 2008
May 22 · 08
family + friends
links + bookmarks
montreal + canada + the world
surf + skate + snow
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