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hacks + do it yourself
Trevor doing the Tour Divide
June 9 · 09
family + friends
games + diversions
hacks + do it yourself
montreal + canada + the world
Biking in TO with 5D Mark II
June 3 · 09
hacks + do it yourself
montreal + canada + the world
Life sized Blue Whale
June 1 · 09
design + art + typography
hacks + do it yourself
tech + the internet
thinking + zen
Self portrait spring 2009
April 14 · 09
hacks + do it yourself
plank + work
Repairing your wetsuit
April 11 · 09
hacks + do it yourself
surf + skate + snow
Twit bomb
April 1 · 09
design + art + typography
hacks + do it yourself
tech + the internet
Homemade Ramen
March 30 · 09
hacks + do it yourself
tech + the internet
Make a guest appearance on WBB
March 7 · 09
hacks + do it yourself
plank + work
strangeness + randomness
Sarah’s Burger Cupcakes
February 12 · 09
hacks + do it yourself
plank + work
Genius playlists
February 9 · 09
hacks + do it yourself
tech + the internet
Opus Lift adds craft to your boring METRO card
February 3 · 09
design + art + typography
hacks + do it yourself
montreal + canada + the world
Time lapse
January 30 · 09
design + art + typography
hacks + do it yourself
tech + the internet
thinking + zen
Spike Jonze and the Pharcyde
December 12 · 08
hacks + do it yourself
tivo + movies + music
Colourful language
November 17 · 08
design + art + typography
hacks + do it yourself
The Wind Beneath
November 17 · 08
design + art + typography
hacks + do it yourself
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