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Design the GWB library
March 4 · 08
design + art + typography
links + bookmarks
tech + the internet
Unexpected car-boarding* pow day
March 3 · 08
montreal + canada + the world
surf + skate + snow
Commence your attack run
March 3 · 08
montreal + canada + the world
strangeness + randomness
Electrical hack
March 3 · 08
hacks + do it yourself
montreal + canada + the world
tech + the internet
Bookmarks for February 27th through March 3rd
March 3 · 08
links + bookmarks
New Adidas Skateboarding site
March 3 · 08
design + art + typography
links + bookmarks
surf + skate + snow
Woolworth Building, NYC
March 3 · 08
design + art + typography
family + friends
plank + work
Fische und Schiffe
February 29 · 08
design + art + typography
tech + the internet
tivo + movies + music
New iPod case
February 29 · 08
design + art + typography
tech + the internet
tivo + movies + music
Bookmarks for February 27th
February 27 · 08
links + bookmarks
Hex colour silliness
February 26 · 08
design + art + typography
hacks + do it yourself
plank + work
tech + the internet
Chris @ Office Booyz
February 26 · 08
family + friends
links + bookmarks
surf + skate + snow
tech + the internet
A glass on my desk
February 25 · 08
plank + work
tech + the internet
thinking + zen
The Grapes of Wrath
February 25 · 08
tivo + movies + music
Forbidden shifting and the Canadian DMCA
February 23 · 08
hacks + do it yourself
links + bookmarks
montreal + canada + the world
tech + the internet
tivo + movies + music
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