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tech + the internet
Left alone on a on Saturday looking for entertainment
August 16 · 08
games + diversions
hacks + do it yourself
surf + skate + snow
tech + the internet
NYT’s & surfing
August 11 · 08
surf + skate + snow
tech + the internet
Plank sign
August 6 · 08
design + art + typography
montreal + canada + the world
plank + work
tech + the internet
How to shoot from the water while surfing
August 6 · 08
surf + skate + snow
tech + the internet
WESC earphones at the iStore
August 3 · 08
montreal + canada + the world
tech + the internet
Rubik enough to make you blind
August 1 · 08
design + art + typography
links + bookmarks
strangeness + randomness
tech + the internet
thinking + zen
3 excellent posters by a design student
July 28 · 08
design + art + typography
tech + the internet
tivo + movies + music
Ultrabland does excellent work
July 16 · 08
design + art + typography
plank + work
tech + the internet
tivo + movies + music
Random shot of Peru reveals…
July 14 · 08
montreal + canada + the world
surf + skate + snow
tech + the internet
Killer apps
July 10 · 08
design + art + typography
tech + the internet
Typographers and their handwriting
July 9 · 08
design + art + typography
links + bookmarks
plank + work
tech + the internet
Zombie bucks
July 3 · 08
design + art + typography
hacks + do it yourself
tech + the internet
Beautiful Losers Posters
June 20 · 08
design + art + typography
surf + skate + snow
tech + the internet
Traveling via air with a Surfboard
June 13 · 08
montreal + canada + the world
surf + skate + snow
tech + the internet
A Physicist talks about LOST
June 10 · 08
links + bookmarks
strangeness + randomness
tech + the internet
tivo + movies + music
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